
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1 year ago...

I can't believe that my baby is one year old!  How fast this first year has gone!  It seems like just yesterday we were awaiting his arrival, and now BAM!  He's 1 year old!  Let me take you back to June 25th, 2011.  Here is his birth story:

We decided to induce labor on June 25, his due date.  Grandma and Granddaddy A were already here, as well as Grandma B, so we wanted to make sure that everyone got a chance to get to know him before they had to return home.  We got up that morning and had a nice breakfast with everyone, took our time, and then Daddy and I left for the hospital.  We got to the hospital at 8:00 am, and were shown right into a room. 

Shortly after arriving, the nurse came to our room and started the pictocin to begin the labor.  Things were going pretty smoothly.  Although we were told he would arrive around 12:00, Dr. L got there at about 2:00 and broke my water.  That’s when the fun began!  The contractions became much more intense, and I shortly requested an epidural.  After that, Daddy and I were watching the contractions on the monitor.  We saw the intensity increase as the day wore on.

Finally at around 8:00pm the nurse thought I was ready to begin pushing.  We were excited to be that close to finally meet Little Guy!  The contractions were only a few minutes apart, so there was a lot of pushing.  It seemed like we were getting close, but every time he crowned, as soon as I stopped pushing, he disappeared again!  Finally, after about two and half hours, Dr. L started working to get him out.  Little Guy was born at 10:49 pm. 

However, it was pretty intense when he was born.  When Dr. L pulled him out, the umbilical cord broke!  Blood went everywhere!  I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I knew that I had not heard him cry.  I was crying and asking Daddy if he was okay.  The NICU cart was rushed into the room to take care of him.  Little Guy had to be resuscitated and they had to suction meconium out of his mouth.  It seemed like forever until I got to hold him, but it was only about 15 minutes!  We found out that the reason I couldn’t push him out was because he had a short umbilical cord.  Every time I stopped pushing, it pulled him back in; he was tethered to the placenta!  Dr. L made a joke about Little Guy already breaking things!
Although it was a scary few moments, I was so glad that Little Guy came to be in our familiy!
Our new family!