
Friday, November 30, 2012

Mama Made: Coat pajamas!

I finished my first pair of pajamas for Little Guy! I think they turned out nicely! Little Guy helped me pick out the fabric (aren't the penguins cute!) and I picked out the pattern. We used flannel so they would feel cozy. The only problem is that they are too big! I used the toddler size 1 pattern, but these are definitely too big. Ah well, I guess we will put them aside for next year! 

Don't I look cute!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Felt Christmas Tree

I love Christmas! It is one of my favorite times of year. I am excited to spend Christmas with Little Guy this year. He will turn 18 months on Christmas, so I hope that he can start to enjoy all the fun and festivities this year. To help him get ready, we put up a felt Christmas tree! I got the idea from Pinterest (I love Pinterest!), pinned from this blog, Sol and Rachel do a blog.

I bought felt by the yard to make the tree. Daddy drew the outline of the tree, and I cut it out. Then I cut out packages, ornaments, and lights from the felt. I decorated some with sparkly pom poms. When Little Guy woke up from his nap, he came down to see the tree.  He really seemed to enjoy it!

Little Guy and Mommy getting the ornaments.

The felt did not stick as well as I thought it would, but I'm hoping as he plays with it the fabric will loosen up and will stick better. I should note that this does not bother him at all. He will pat whatever he is putting up a few times, then move onto the next thing. It is very cute!

The presents go down low.
This ornament goes up high.

Look at the beautiful tree!

 What are you doing to get your little one ready for the holiday season?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Whole wheat pancakes with sweet potato puree

So I have written previously about how I like to pack Little Guy's food with goodness. I have made Veggie Muffins several times (last time I made a double batch so they would last longer) and Broccoli Bites (I put chicken in some of these to add a little extra protein. I am also going to try making a small batch with cauliflower instead).

I wanted to make pancakes that were really nutritious too. Pancakes are super easy for us in the morning for Little Guy, since we are trying to get out of the house to get to school.  I can make a batch of these over the weekend, then freeze them and thaw enough for breakfast that morning.

Whole Wheat Pancakes with Sweet Potato Puree
 This recipe makes about 36 silver dollar sized pancakes.
 1 cup whole wheat flour
1 Tbs brown sugar
 2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup sweet potato puree
1 cup milk
 2 Tbs oil

1. Combine the flour, sugar, and baking powder. Make a well in the center, set aside. Combine the sweet potato puree, milk, and oil. Add sweet potato mixture to flour mixture. Stir just until moistened. Add additional milk to thin out batter, making it pancake consistancy, if necessary.

2. Pour desired amount of batter onto hot greased skillet. To make silver dollar sized pancakes, pour about 1/8 cup batter per pancake. Turn over when batter bubbles on top. Cook 1-2 minutes on second side.

Here is the pancake batter.
Look at those yummy pancakes!
Mmmmm, mommy! These are good!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fall activities

Yesterday we did two fun fall activities. First, we made a fall snack mix. Then we raked and played with leaves.

We made snack mix for Little Guy's teachers at school. I thought it would be a fun treat for them right before Thanksgiving and it was something that Little Guy could easily help with. I got the idea from this website, found on Pinterest.  In our snack mix we included:

  • Corn Chex
  • Cheese crackers
  • Crunch'N'Munch
  • Pretzels
  • Reece's Pieces
  • Candy corn
  • Chocolate chips
I would pour an item into a measuring cup, then Little Guy would dump it into the big bowl. After we added all the ingredients, we mixed it all up with our hands. Little Guy really liked helping to scoop the mix into jars! We made enough mix to even give daddy his own jar!

I love scooping! Franklin the Turtle is helping me!

Don't these jars look pretty!
Later in the afternoon, we went into the front yard.  We only have 2 smallish trees in the yard, but they sure put out a bunch of leaves!  So mommy started to rake, and Little Guy roamed the yard.  He played with his little pumpkin from Halloween for a little while, and even helped mommy with the leaves a few times.  He would get big handfuls and try to put them in the bags.

Here are some leaves, Mommy! Where is the bag?

This is a lot of leaves!

Help me out of the leaves!

It was much harder to rake while keeping a 17 month old entertained!  What fall activities are you up to?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mama made!

I just had to share with you Little Guy's new pants!  I made them out of cute monster printed fleece.  This is the first time I have used a pattern, and the first clothing I have made for Little Guy (excluding a diaper).

Little Guy's new pants!

What a cute model

Friday, November 9, 2012

Going to the Zoo

I love to go to the zoo with Little Guy. Lately, it has been even more fun. Little Guy now is able to look for and spot the animals, at times getting excited when he sees them. He likes to walk around, not always ride in the stroller.
Now that it is fall and a little cooler, there are much fewer people there. Our most recent visit to the zoo was on Halloween. I think we saw between 10 and 15 other people there.
Anyway, the two tigers were very active, pacing around their enclosure and occasionally playing with each other. Little Guy was just tall enough to see over the window ledge. He watched them walk around, pointing occasionally. We must have stood there for 10 minutes watching them.

Little Guy likes to sit on the baby tiger seat.
Then we walked to the small animal kingdom. In this area of the zoo, there are things for kids to climb on and play in. Little Guy loves to check these things out now! There is a life size komodo dragon. 

Hmmm...I wonder what this is?
Of course, we must visit it before moving on!

I have conquered the dragon!
There is a tortoise shell that you can climb in.  Little Guy wanted to see what was inside, but never crawled all the way in.

What's in here?

One of the last things are some huge shells.  Glad I didn't have a baby big enough to fit in it!

My new seat!

We love going to the zoo!  What are your favorite parts of the zoo?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Corn box

At the beginning of October, Little Guy, Daddy, Grandma and Granddaddy A, and I went to a farm and pumpkin patch.  (Read about our visit here.)  One of the things that we did on that trip was play in the corn box.  Little Guy (okay, all of us) had a great time playing in the corn box.

Since that was so fun, I wanted to create a sensory tub for Little Guy using that same type of corn.  Well, this week I finally did it!

Little Guy's very own corn box!

For the container, I ended up using Little Guy's water table.  Since it is too cool outside to put water in it, it had just been sitting on our patio.  I cleaned it off, took off the blue tower in the middle, and Viola!  the perfect container for Little Guy's very own corn box.  We visited a feed store to get the corn, purchasing whole kernel feed corn.  We bought a 50 pound bag, and used probably about half of it.

Little Guy enjoyed scooping the corn.
Measuring cups are great for helping him to scoop with success.

 Little Guy was quite excited to see the corn box!  I added simple materials from the kitchen for him to use in the corn box.  I added plastic spoons, measuring cups, and washed cream cheese and sour cream containers.

I was a little worried about the corn box being open and available to him all the time, but I actually think this is one of the best parts!  Little Guy will go over, play in it for a little while, then go away and play with something else, and then come back to the corn box.  He seems to be enjoying the flexibility of playing in it when he wants.

I did cut a cardboard circle to act as a cover.  Little Guy also enjoyed taking it off and on!

I can put the cover on!

What ideas do you have for sensory boxes?

Friday, November 2, 2012


I know this is a couple of days late, but I still wanted to share pictures from our Halloween.  Last year, Little Guy was only 4 months old, so we only Trick-or-Treated at a couple of friends houses.  He was a bumble bee!

Our little bumble bee!

Our first Halloween as a 3-person family!

This year, Daddy really wanted Little Guy to be an Ewok, from Star Wars.  I think Daddy decided this last year, and was looking forward to dressing Little Guy like this all year long.  So here is our little Ewok!
Our cute Little Ewok!

Daddy and Little Guy!

We bought a bear costume for him, then I made the hood, satchel, and walking stick to complete his Ewok ensemble!  I think it came out pretty good!