
Friday, June 21, 2013

Animal Making

We love going to the zoo.  Recently we made a few animals out of construction paper.  Mommy is not the best artist, so the animals are not great, but they sure were fun to make!  I got the idea from Simple. Home. Blessings.

We started with the giraffe.  After we finished, we hung the giraffe on our fridge.  Little Guy loved to see his artwork hung up, and often would give his giraffe a hug!

I prepped the animals while Little Guy was taking a nap.  When we were ready to start, I smeared a glue stick over the body where the spots and stripes would go. 

Getting started and adding spots.

This will be a great giraffe!
A few days after making the giraffe, we made a tiger.  This time, Little Guy added stripes, googly eyes (which he really liked), and then we painted grass.

Making sure the stripes are just right!

Add two eyes.

Wow!  I get to paint grass!

Our finished tiger!
I found the tiger project to be more successful because there were fewer things for Little Guy to add.  While he seemed to enjoy putting the spots onto the giraffe, there were too many for his short attention span (he is only 2).  Also, the variety of things to do on the tiger was nice, since he added stripes, put on eyes, and then painted.  I need to figure out what other animals we can make!

What crafts have you done with your toddler?

1 comment:

  1. WoW! He did a great job with those animals! So glad to see other toddlers having fun with these crafts!
    Leah @ Simple.Home.Blessings.
