
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tot School- Farms Week 3

This week was our last week working on our farm theme.  Grandma and Granddaddy had returned home, so we returned to Tot School as usual.

Some more books we enjoyed about farms were:
  • Biscuit's Day at the Farm by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
  • It's Milking Time by Phyllis Alsdurf
  • The Helpful Puppy by Kim Zarins
  • Little Hide and Seek Farm, a DK book (this is like "Where's Waldo" for little kids!)

To get ready for our last week, I reworked the tot book.  Little Guy spent more time doing some of the activities in the book.  He really liked the little coloring book this week (we did bring out the markers).

Little Guy really enjoyed playing with this Peek-A-Boo barn that I printed from Buggy and Buddy.  He would put the animals behind the door, then we would sing "Old MacDonald had a farm."
"And on that farm he had a cat."
I printed this booklet called "What Do I Say?" from the Farm Pack at This Reading Mama.  I read the page, then Little Guy glued on the animal that matched the sound.  This was a great booklet for us to read again and again throughout the week.
This is where the dog goes!
I also printed this set of ABC cards from the same farm pack.  We laid them in a line to practice singing and pointing to the letters.
Getting ready to sing!
I made a few printables this week.  One was a cutting page.  I made strips of things that you could find on a farm, with gray lines in between.  Little Guy had to cut the pictures apart on the gray lines.  Then we sorted the pictures into two categories: animals and not animals.
Getting better and better with the scissors!
I also made letter dot printables.  I used a picture of a farm and put circles with an F all around.  Little Guy really liked using the dot marker to cover all the F's.  We did the same with a tractor picture.
Here's another F.
The sensory bin came back out this week.  We put Little Guy's Little People farmers and animals in to live on our farm.  A fun way we did some fine motor work was to have Little Guy put a bunch of green peas into the tractor trailer to "feed" the animals.  It took a little bit of work to pick out one color of material.
Driving the tractor.
We also worked on some vocabulary during this unit.  We talked about what baby animals are called, such as a baby sheep is called a lamb and a baby cow is called a calf.

I hope you enjoyed our farm theme!  Do you have activities that you would add?

We linked up to 1+1+1=1 Tot School Gathering Place!


  1. Your little one is absolutely adorable- So glad he enjoyed our peek-a-boo activity! I love how your sharing all these great ideas for everyone with toddlers to benefit from!
