
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tot School- M is for Mitten

Moving right along!  Last week it did not seem as if we had as much time as usual to spend in Tot School.  Don't some weeks just feel like that?  We had fewer trays last week, which worked in our favor!  We are continuing with a winter-ish theme with M is for Mitten! Little Guy is 31 months old.

This week, we read the book The Mitten by Jan Brett.  I love this story and the illustrations that are in the book.  I used this unit when I taught kindergarten, and enjoyed pulling out a few components for Little Guy.  I'll look forward to using it again with him and adding even more!

Since we were reading The Mitten, we of course had to lace a mitten together.  Little Guy seemed to enjoy this lacing, and it was made even better since he could open the mitten!
Working hard to go through each hole.
We also did more stamping this week. Our printables came from the mitten printables at  1+1+1+=1 and the winter pack and winter extra dot marker pack 3 Dinosaurs.  Although I love letter stamping as a way to practice our letter of the week, Little Guy does not enjoy it as much.  I think he only chose this activity once during the week.  I'll have to change it up for next week!
Stamping M on an M.
 For some fine motor practice, Little Guy made a snowflake out of pipe cleaners and beads.  I twisted 3 pipe cleaners together in the middle and pulled out all our blue, white, and sparkly beads.  Little Guy then worked to make a snowflake.  This snowflake did not end up coming together during work time.  We ended up completing it one afternoon, and Little Guy got really into it and did most of it at once!
Working hard to thread the beads.
Our beautiful snowflake!
Can you believe it!  I don't have any action shots for the next activity!  Little Guy used the tweezers to move the foam snowflakes in and out of the cupcake pan.  In our shortened time this week, I don't think he chose this may times.  I may have overused the tweezers in my excitement over them!

Roll and count is always fun.  This one was from 1+1+1=1 and was the animals that went into the mitten.  We used the foam snowflakes to show which animals he had rolled. 
Another rabbit!
Counting when he is all done rolling.
Little Guy loves to do puzzles.  Our library has these kits that you can check out called "Kid Packs."  Each pack includes books, books on CD, and other activities, which may include puzzles, DVD's, or stuffed animals, all centering on a theme.  We checked out the winter theme pack and it had this great puzzle.  It was tricky for Little Guy the first few times he worked on it, but it got easier the more times he did it.  It was nice to supplement his puzzles with a new one!
Working the puzzle.
Don't you just love this cheesy grin!
The last activity was the book "Winter Clothes" from the mitten lapbook at Homeschool Share.  It was simple layer book.  Little Guy first cut out the different types of clothes then glued them onto the correct page.  He really enjoys these multi-step activities.
He loves the glue stick.
Since its already February, next week we move on to hearts!  See you then!

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