
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tot School- O is for Olympics

Did you enjoy the Winter Olympics?  I enjoyed many of the events, and especially enjoyed the activities it led us to in Tot School last week!  Little Guy is 32 months old.

The first activity was painting the Olympic rings, inspired by The Gingerbread House.  As you may recall, Little Guy does not usually like to paint so we don't paint very often.  This week he seemed eager to get started on painting each morning.
This idea for using beads to make the Olympic rings cam from Trillium Montessori. This activity was not only worked on his fine motor skills, but it also worked on his perseverance, as there were a lot of beads to string.
We have not had the dot marker out much during the last few weeks, so Little Guy really liked using it to complete his O page from the Olympics pack at 3 Dinosaurs.  When he first started, he was really careful with the placement of his circles, but that didn't last!
With the coloring pages, I got out markers in the five colors of the Olympic rings.  Little Guy chose the Olympic rings paper first, and tried to carefully draw the rings.  Not too bad!
 To practice counting this week, we did the Roll and Count from the Olympics pack at 3 Dinosaurs. It was fun to talk first about what each picture was before playing the game (I really liked the picture of the bobsledders!).
The last activity was placing pom-poms on a picture of the Olympic rings from Making Learning Fun.  There were two sizes of pom-poms, small and smaller.  It took Little Guy a little while to get started (he was more interested in squeezing a handful of the pom-poms), but was able to place the pom-poms into the circles.  This was a great acticity to practice one-to-one correspondence.
This is our last "winter" themed Tot School for a while.  Come back and see us next week!

We linked up to the Tot School Gathering Place at 1+1+1=1 (we were featured last week!).


  1. I have one of the large dice and never thought of just putting the roll and graphs in it! Thank you so much for the idea!

    1. Glad you found the idea helpful! This is so much easier for me than trying to make a dice!
