
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tot School- D is for Dr. Seuss

Oh my!  What a week we've had!  Sorry this is late!  Hope you had as much fun celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday as we did!  It was a fun D is for Dr. Seuss week.  Little Guy is 32 months old.

The first activity was pattern blocks to make a D or a dog. Little Guy did not want to complete this task, and I finally got him to complete the dog on Friday.  Needless to say, pattern blocks will be put away for a few weeks.
The next activity was so fun, but we worked on it together so I don't have any pictures of the work in progress!  We made our own Dr. Seuss hats!  We glued red strips of paper onto a big white piece of construction paper.  After it (mostly) dried, we taped them to make a cylinder.  I cut a big hold in a paper plate and taped it on to make the brim!
 The next activity used this pair of kitchen tongs that we picked up off the clearance table.  Little Guy used the tongs to take the little rubber balls out of the muffin tray, and then put them back in.
We had some cutting practice, from the Dr. Seuss Cut It Out pack by This Reading Mama.  Little Guy chose this several times during the week.
The next activity was a name and picture puzzle.  I glued a picture of Little Guy to 5 tongue depressors.  After the glue dried, I cut them apart then used stickers to spell his name at the top of the tongue depressors.  When he works on the puzzle, he will also be practicing his name.  Of course, I forgot to take pictures!

The next picture used bottle caps to make fish to go with the book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!  I got the idea from I Heart Crafty Things.  Little Guy picked what color for the tail and glued it on.  He picked out a bottle cap and I glued it on.  Then we added a googly eye and some glitter glue to make our fish!  This was his favorite activity of the week!
We happen to have a dog puzzle, so that was also included.  This one is a little tricky for him, but he is still able to complete it.
The last activity was printables.  He had to stamp the D on this page from 1+1+1=1.  For another component, I put 6 pictures of things that start with D on a sheet, which he had to cut apart and glue on a large D.  While he enjoyed the cutting, he did not want to stamp.
Whew!  We are moving through the alphabet!  What have you been up to this week?

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