
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tot School- R is for Rainbow

Hello!  Can you believe that we are halfway through March?  Spring has now sprung!  I am ready for warmer days and picnic lunches.  What about you?  Last week we did R is for Rainbow in Tot School!  It makes me think of warmer days ahead (I try not to think about the rain that is needed)! Little Guy is 33 months old.

The first activity this week was the salt tray.  Little Guy really likes when we get this out, so I only try to get it out every few weeks so the novelty does not wear off.  Since we had a rainbow theme, I made a rainbow base, then put the salt on top.  I have some cards with the letters we have practiced that I also put out, so Little Guy can try to copy them in the salt.  We also do a lot of him pointing and Mama moving his finger in the salt.
A new activity for us this week was to make a letter out of Duplo Legos.  I found these pattern cards for capital letters at Wildflower Ramblings.  I printed them on cardstock and and then worked with Little Guy to copy it with the real Duplos.  This was hard for him, and so we completed it together.  Its nice to have a variety of ways to "build" the letters.
The next activity was to build a rainbow name.  Little Guy needed to cut each colored strip into small pieces, then we would glue that onto a letter in his name, with the first letter red, the next letter orange, then yellow, green, and blue.  However, we only got one letter done last week, so this will be in our work bin for this week, too.

The next tray was puzzles.  Little Guy loves puzzles!  There was a racecar puzzle and a rocket puzzle.  The racecar is from this Melissa and Doug set.  This is the first puzzle that Little Guy has done that has regular, interlocking puzzle pieces.  This was the first activity that he chose to complete, and I think he wanted to do the puzzles everyday!
 The next activity was simply gluing paper onto a large letter R.  I cut the R from a cereal box and had a basket of paper scraps.  Little Guy could cut the scraps up, then glue them onto the R.  I thought he would like this one, as he likes to use scissors and glue, but he really was not too interested.
 The last activity was a variety of printables.  This weeks printables came from Gift of Curiosity and from 1+1+1=1.  Again, these were hit and miss, and I think he completed 2 during the week.  He did enjoy the rainbow pack of dot markers we got out!
I hope you enjoyed the start of spring!  How is Tot School going for you?

We linked up to the Tot School Gathering Place at 1+1+1=1!  (Little Guy was featured for last week!)


  1. Such a great job with the race track!!! Thanks for sharing many fun activities. We did do-a-dot balloons too and loved them <3

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed the activities! Little Guy sure loves his puzzles!
