
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tot School- F is for Fish, Frog, Flower, and Feather

We are plowing right ahead through the alphabet!  I can't believe how many letters we have practiced so far!  Last week, we worked on F is for Fish, Frog, Flower, and Feather!  Little Guy is 34 months old.

Little Guy's favorite activity (by far!) was the game Water the Flowers from the April Showers pack at Our Little Monkeys.  We played this game everyday, and most days more than once.  It is a pretty basic game, where you roll the dice and move that many squares.  One side of the dice said "Oops. Slipped in a Puddle.  Lose a turn."  He really liked that one, and wanted to roll that every time!  He wasn't really in a hurry to get to the flower at the end!
His other favorite activity for the week was decorating the F with feathers.  I helped him to put the glue on the letter, but then he enjoyed sticking all the feathers on.  I saw this idea on No Time for Flash Cards
 Another activity from the April Showers pack at Our Little Monkeys was putting the flowers in size order.  We have not done this recently, but Little Guy had no problems ordering the flowers.
 The next activity practiced one to one correspondence and done fine motor skills.  I printed the F dot page from School Time Snippets and got out little fish erasers.  Little Guy had to put one eraser on each circle.  This was a great activity, as it did not take too long and he seemed to enjoy it.  This activity can have a lot of transference to other letters by finding small objects that will fit in the circles.
 This week the printables were not such a big hit.  I used printables from Our Little Monkeys and the Romping and Roaring F Pack at 3 Dinosaurs.
 One printable that he did like was from the Romping and Roaring F Pack at 3 Dinosaurs.  It was a letter F and he used frog stickers to decorate it.  He really seemed to enjoy pulling the stickers off the sheet to apply to the F.
 The last activity was lacing a fish.  He did it once during the week on his own, then did it second time with my help.   With help, he is able to work his way around and not miss holes.
What words have you used to practice the letter F?

We linked up the the Tot School Gathering Place at 1+1+1=1!

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