
Friday, May 9, 2014

Dinosaurs at the Zoo- a 2 year old's perspective

This past Christmas, Little Guy received a camera.  He has enjoyed using it, and takes pictures of the most interesting things.  Last weekend, we went to the zoo.  During the spring and summer, we have dinosaurs that come to the zoo.  This is Little Guy's perspective on the dinosaurs.

Not too shabby!  I hope to post his pictures here monthly, showing his perspective on the world!

See you next time!


  1. Great post. My littley is scared of dinosaurs. Not surprising when seen from their angle!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Last summer when the dinosaurs were at the zoo, Little Guy needed to be carried past the dinosaurs and even then he wouldn't look at them. This year we tried to prepare him by visiting the dinosaurs before they were activated with motion and sound, so he could get used to them.
