
Friday, July 18, 2014

Tot School- Q is for Q-Tips and Quarters

Hello! Its been a while, and I am so sorry!  I thought that since I had been a stay-at-home mom for the last year, summer would not make much of a difference in our schedule, but apparently it has!  Grandma and Granddaddy A. recently moved here, we celebrated Little Guy's birthday, I got sick for a few days, I had jury duty and actually served on a jury (only for 1 day), and Daddy has taken several days off.  All these events have added up to less time in Tot School and, it seems, less time for me to blog!  However, things seem to be settling down again, so here is our latest Tot School post. 

We took two weeks to work on these activities (around all the aforementioned disruptions).  We learned about the letter Q- Q is for Q-Tips and Quarters.  In the busyness of the the last few weeks, I did not take pictures of the individual activities, so there are only action shots this week!  Little Guy is 36 months old.

Since we learned  that Q is for Q-Tips, we had to cover our Q with, what else, Q-Tips!  Little Guy was interested in the Q-Tips, and kept feeling the cotton ends.  He was not very interested in gluing them onto the Q.

Another way we used Q-Tips was to paint with them.  Little Guy used a Q-Tip to put a small dot of paint in each circle.  This was good for him to practice one-to-one correspondence.  The Q page is from 3 Dinosaurs.

A great fine motor and counting activity was counting queens, from School Time Snippets.  Little Guy had to count the number of queens on each strip and clip a clothespin next to it.  His hands are getting much stronger and more able to work a clothespin.

He also built a Q this week with Duplo Legos.  We are using the cards from Wildflower Ramblings to make the letters. 

The favorite activity was putting dimes into a slot.  (I know dime doesn't start with Q, but the quarters were too big for the slot.)  He used an old mayonnaise jar with a slit on the top.  The slit was the perfect size for dropping in dimes.  I worried that he might get tired of this, but he eagerly dropped all the dimes in!

The last activity was a quarter hunt in the sensory bin.  I hid 8 quarters in the beans, and Little Guy had to dig through the beans to find them.  After he found them all, he asked for them to be hidden again!  I think I hid them 3 or 4 times.

So those were our Q activities!  What have you done to learn about Q?

Thanks for stopping by!

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