
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tot School: Learning Our Colors- Rainbow Wrap Up

This is our fifth and final week of our Learning Our Colors series.  This week we are wrapping up our unit with a week about rainbows.  We have previously learned about red and orange, blue and purple, yellow and green, and black, white, and brown.  We have enjoyed this unit and hope you have, too!

This week we reread many of the color books that we we had read over the last few weeks.  Little Guy really enjoyed having a big tub of books to choose from.  One new book was Colors by Heidi Goennel.

A fine motor activity we worked on was a button snake, from Happy Hooligans.  I sewed a button on the end of a ribbon and cut squares out of felt with a slit in the middle.  Little Guy had to "button" the felt onto the ribbon.  He really enjoyed this activity!
Putting on the first piece of felt.
Adding some more.
All done!
We also did several sorting activities.  The first one we did was sorting M&M's onto trees.  I cut out trees in red, orange, yellow, green, and blue (I omitted the brown M&M's).  Little Guy got a little cup of mini M&M's that he had to sort by putting them onto the correct tree.  At the end, he chose two colors of M&M's to eat.  What a sweet reward!
Sorting is hard work.
All done!  Can I eat them now?
We also sorted colored Goldfish crackers, inspired by this blog.  I cut four "bowls" for the goldfish out of red, green, orange, and yellow paper.  Little Guy had to sort his goldfish into the bowls before he could eat his snack.  This was not as motivating as the M&M's (since goldfish appear at our house more often), so he quickly tired of this activity.
Working on the goldfish sort.
Can I eat this one?
Our book page for this week was a rainbow.  We worked on one color each day, except for the last day when we did both the blue and purple stripes.  Little Guy really liked adding the cotton balls for clouds.
Our rainbow book page.
This has been a really fun unit to work on.  It was a great way to start off our Tot School.  I hope you enjoyed reading about our activities.  Our next unit is a farm unit!  Stay tuned!

We linked up to No Time for Flash Cards Link and Learn.
We linked up to 1+1+1=1 Tot School Gathering Place


  1. What a great (and delicious!) way of sorting colours!! I'm not sure how many of them would make it to the bowls before finding their way into my daughters mouth haha :-)

    1. I don't think Little Guy realized we were using candy at first...once he realized it he kept saying to me "In my mouth?" He was quite excited to finish so he could eat some! It was fun, though! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. We had a rainbow week, too! Love all your sorting activities!

  3. Thanks for stopping by! We had a really fun week!
