
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tot School: Learning Our Colors- Black, White, and Brown

This is our fourth week of our Learning Our Colors series.  This week we are learning about black, white, and brown. We have previously learned about red and orange, blue and purple, and yellow and green.  We have one more week left, a wrap up and rainbow week!

 We started the week by going on a hunt for things that are black, white, or both.  Little Guy can already do a pretty good job of identifying these two colors, so it was pretty easy for him to identify these things.
Our black and white collection.
We continued reading this week.  We finished the pop-up book series by David A. Carter by reading 600 Black Spots and  White Noise.  Little Guy has really loved these pop-up books, and asks to look at them over and over.

Remember the sunflower seeds we planted?  (I wrote about them here and here.)  Once the flowers started to wilt, we cut off the heads and let them dry for a few days so we could harvest the seeds.  We don't think we let them ripen long enough, so while we won't be eating the seeds, they are perfect for play!  I set up a sensory bin for Little Guy with the sunflower seeds.
Our home grown sensory bin!
Digging right in.
We also used the seeds for gluing.  Little Guy put dots of glue onto the paper, then put a sunflower seed onto the glue. 
Squeezing the glue.
Working to move the seeds from hand to hand.
We also got out the cloud dough.  This is always fun to play with.
It is very fun to squish!
Our book page for black and white was a zebra.

Some other things we did to learn about black and white:
  • We drank white milk.
  • We wrote Little Guy's name on a paper, traced it with glue, and he glued sunflower seeds on it.
  • We wore white shirts.
After learning about black and white, we switched to the color brown.  We started learning about brown by going on a brown object hunt.
Our brown collection.
We read books with the color brown in them.  We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle.  We also read Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin.

One morning we decided to bake.  We made some brown cookies (aka peanut butter cookies).  Little Guy helped to add the ingredients and rolled the balls of dough in sugar before they were baked.
Rolling the dough balls.
Don't our brown cookies look yummy?
One afternoon after nap, we took a walk to find some pinecones. 
Here's a bunch.
This pine cone looks good.

Our book page for brown was a bear.  Little Guy helped glue the bear onto the paper, then smear the glue around the bear's tummy.  He added little pom-poms and googley eyes.
This pom-pom goes here.
Our brown bear.
We are excited for our rainbow week next week!  Stay tuned!

We linked up to No Time for Flash Cards Link and Learn!


  1. Too bad your sunflower seeds weren't ripe enough to eat, but how cool to have a home-grown sensory material. I never thought to use sunflower seeds for sensory play, but it sounds so fun now that I'm thinking of it. I love all of your activities.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I was bummed the seeds weren't ripe, but now they are fun for Little Guy!
