
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tot School- A Reflection

Last week Little Guy participated in VBS at the church we attend.  I was so glad that he was able to participate this year, and he really seemed to enjoy it!  I love that he had an opportunity to learn more about God and His love for us, and a great extra benefit is the Little Guy gets some time away from mama.  I love being with him, but I think its great for him to have chances to be independent.  I think he learned and was stimulated by so many things!  After we would get home each day, we would eat lunch and he would play for a few minutes before telling me he was ready for his nap!

All that to say that we were not able to do Tot School last week.

So I thought I would take the time to reflect on our Tot School over the past year.  We "officially" started Tot School last September, when Little Guy was about 26 months old (he turns 3 on Wednesday!).  We started Tot School with learning about colors.  It was so fun to work with him on designated activities, unified by a theme!  Here are some of my favorite pictures!
After learning about our colors, we moved on to seasonal themes.  Since it was fall, we learned about farms and pumpkins. With our farm unit, we used our first Tot Pack.  Our pumpkin theme was the first time I tried to put together Tot Trays.
 Continuing with seasonal themes, we learned about fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  It was during fall and Christmas that we did some of my favorite activities.  I really liked the toilet paper roll wreath we made by weaving ribbons and the snake made from the wooden wheels. Our beaded turkey was pretty cute, too!
 One of my (and Little Guy's, too) was spooning the bells at Christmas.  This was such a simple yet fun activity!
 After the new year, we transitioned to a letter of the week.  We are not doing letters in any particular order, but making them work for us seasonally or thematically.  We have now done 20 letters (!) and just have  few more to finish up!  Although Little Guy cannot name all the letters we have worked on, he can name many.  Here's a snapshot of what we have worked on!  (I plan on doing an ABC wrap up post when we have finished all the letters.)
 Its amazing to me how much Little Guy has changed since we started Tot School!  This is a journey that I am so glad we are on!

Thanks for stopping by today!  I hope your Tot School journey is just as fun!

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