Hello again! My one week break from Tot School turned into two, but I am glad to back! Little Guy, Daddy, and I enjoyed some time with Grandma and Granddaddy A. for one week, then needed a week to catch up on…life! Even though we were not doing specific tot school activities, we were still reading to Little Guy, working on puzzles, and figuring things out. I am glad to be back into our routine, though! Last week we resumed with L is for Legos! Little Guy is 35 months old.

The favorite activity (by FAR) this week was a life skill. I took a cookie sheet and taped a small rectangle on it (I used painters tape so it would come off easily when we were done with this activity). I spilled a small cup of beans onto the tray and Little Guy needed to use a hand broom to sweep them all into the rectangle. Once the beans were all in the rectangle, I helped him sweep them into the dustpan. Little Guy completed this activity everyday, and sometimes did it two or three times in one morning. This is such a useful skill. I was pleased to see how much better he got as the week went on, using the dustpan by himself by the end of the week.
Another favorite for the week was pushing pushpins into the letter L. I saw this idea on
Preschool Creations. I simply drew a capital L on a piece of paper and put 3 layers of cardboard behind it. Little Guy’s job was to push he pins into the lines. He really enjoyed this activity as well. It was nice that he could re-do it by simply pulling out all the pushpins.
The next activity was simple to put together, but was great for fine motor skills. I used some of the bath tub mats that have suction cups on the bottom and glass beads (I really wanted to use marbles, but I don’t have any). Little Guy had to put one glass bead on each suction cup. It did not take him very long to complete, but was good for him to do. This not only practices fine motor skills (picking up the beads and setting them on certain spot), but it is also great one-to-one correspondence practice.

The last two activities were the Lego activities, and these were the two that Little Guy did the least. The first one was filling an “L” shape with Legos. I had laid them out and traced them to get the correct shape. Little Guy just had to use the Legos to fill it in. He did complete this a few times during the week.
This last activity was one that I had to make Little Guy do. I had cut an L out of a cereal box. My intent was that we could paint it one day, then use a Lego to stamp it another day. Well, by Friday Little Guy still had not chosen to do this activity, so I just had him stamp the L with the Lego.
A bonus activity we did was this shape puzzle from
Plan Toys. We borrowed it from our local library. Little Guy completed it several times. We have it for one more week, so I hope to use it again next week!
Hope things are going well in your tot school!
Follow Stacy's board Alphabet- L on Pinterest.
We linked up to the Tot School Gathering Place at 1+1+1=1!